Reball Vest

The Reball Vest with Score Keeping Technology was engineered and designed for use with Reball Reusable Paintballs.

Our Reball Score Keeping Vest not only protects from Reball actually keeps track of all Reball Hits and displays all hit information on wide screen tv or mobile phones.

When you add the Reball Vest using Score Keeping Technology to your Reball Field or Reusable Paintball Field:

  • it will help increase your business (people love to see the score of a game)
  • it will give your Reball Facility the ability provide Paintball Team Training (the best way to train is to know who is hit and where!)

If you have any Questions about our Reball Vest or adding The Score Keeping System to your Reball or Reusable Paintball Facility, give us a call at 304-893-6286, Send your question by Email or Use our Live Support.

We are here the help!

On a Mobile Phone?