Compare Airsoft Vest to Airsoft Vest With Score Keeping
Compare a Regular Airsoft Vest with an Airsoft Vest with Score Keeping Technology
Regular Airsoft Vests will:
- provide protection from Airsoft BBs impact
- work for Outdoor or Indoor Airsoft game play
- not provide actual Hit Tracking Information at end of Airsoft Game
Airsoft Vests with Score Keeping technology provide:
- protection from Airsoft Pellet or BB pain
- designed for indoor Airsoft Game Play
- actually tracks and records all Airsoft hits for ALL Players in Airsoft Game
- displays all Airsoft player and Airsoft team scores on scoreboard & printed score card
When choosing an Airsoft Vest, you need to ask yourself, does the Airsoft Vest:
- match the Airsoft Game you play
- give you the information you want at the end of the Airsoft Game (if any info)
- give you the protection level you require from Airsoft BBs impact
If you want to conduct Airsoft Games where each Airsoft Player knows:
- which player was hit
- where each player was hit
- how well each player or team actually performed during an Airsoft Game
An Airsoft Vest with Sure Shots Score Keeping Technology could be just what you need.
Airsoft Vests with Score Keeping Technology will eliminate:
- cheating
- arguing
- bad sportsmanship
Check Out New Low Pricing for Airsoft Score Keeping Vest
If you have any Questions about the Score Keeping System for Airsoft Games or adding the Score Keeping System to your Airsoft Field , give us a call at 304-893-6286, Send your question by Email or Use our Live Help.
We are here the help!