What is Nerf War or Nerf Wars?
Nerf War is battle game where players shoot Foam Balls or Foam Darts using Nerf Pistols, Nerf Guns or other foam projectile firing devices.
The object of the Nerf War Game are varied from Capture the President or Capture the Flag ...to an all out Free for All Shoot Out.
The Nerf Guns, Nerf Pistols, Nerf Bow & Arrow or other foam projectile shooting devices can and are usually modified to shoot further and increase accuracy.
Nerf Wars are being waged in every city and every state in The U.S. and around the world...Day and Night!.
If you are a Family Entertainment Center owner...You need to be asking yourself 2 questions.
- Is there a business opportunity in Nerf War?
- If so, can I bring in more customers by adding a Nerf Wars attraction to my business?
The answer to both questions is a resounding YES!
Sure Shots manufacturers and sells the only Nerf War Score Keeping System which includes:
- Universal Score Keeping Vest (designed especially to count & record hits from Nerf Balls, Nerf Darts or other foam projectiles)
- Choice of Colors of Vests (Black Light Colors or Black)
- Universal Score Keeping Program (counts hits, lights up when hit, displays hit information mobile devices & monitors, can be used with wide screen monitor for Score Board) See Nerf Wars Score Board
Sure Shots's Universal Score Keeping System for Nerf is very affordable...priced lower than a cheap Laser Tag System
Check out our Low Pricing on Nerf Score Keeping System or Call 304-893-6286 and let's talk about getting Nerf Wars into your Family Entertainment System