Reusable Paintball Safety Rules

For a Safe Reusable Paintball, Reball or Low Impact Paintball Game the following Safety Rules are strongly recommended:

The Do's

  • Always wear face and eye protection designed specifically for paintball, reusabel or reball game  play either as a participant or observer
  • Always place barrel plugs in or condoms on the barrel on any paintball gun or marker when not in use
  • Always engage paintball gun safety lock when paintball gun is not in use to prevent accidental paintball gun discharge.
  • Always follow any other common sense paintball, reusable paintball or reball safety rules, safety regulations or age recommendations for safe paintball, reusable paintless paintball, or reball game play in your state.

The Don'ts

  • Never lift protective face mask during game
  • Never shoot a player closer than 10 feet
  • Never shoot at spectators
  • Never have gun without safety on and gun plug in when not playing

To help the continued growth of Paintball, Reusable Paintball, Reball and Low Impact Paintball Gaming, we all need to make sure we follow the Reusable Paintball Safety Rules.

If you have any questions about Reusable Paintless Paintball Safety Rules... Feel Free to Call 304-893-6286 or Email Us!   
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