Nerf Wars Equipment
Sure Shots sells Nerf Wars Equipment
The Nerf Wars Score Keeping Vest can change an average Nerf Wars game from Good to Spectacular.
Score Keeping Vests are critical Nerf Wars Equipment.
Sure Shots's Nerf Wars Score Keeping System features a Score Keeping Vest that:
- Counts and Records all Hits by a Nerf Ball or Nerf Dart (no more arguing about who was hit or not)
- Displays all Nerf Score Keeping Info on Wide Screen Monitor, lap top, phone or tablet (lets everyone know the score)
- Fits like Bullet Proof Vest
- Comes in Black Light Colors or Black with vercro attachable IDs
- Powerful LED Lights Blink everytime a Player is Hit by Nerf Projectile
- Nerf Wars Score Board Program included ( show all score data on Monitor or Phone)
If you have any Questions about how to Bring Nerf Wars to your Family Entertainment Center...Call 304-893-6286 or Email Us