Compare Tippmann Eagle Eye to Score Keeping Vest
Can you really compare the Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System to the Paintless Paintball Score Keeping Vest?
The Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System is just what is says it is,
- Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System is just a Laser Tag Gun or Phazer even though the the system is added to a Paintball Gun,
- Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System does not Shoot Paintless Paintballs or Paintballs
- Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System is not Paintball or Paintless Paintball, just a loud version of Laser Tag
- Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag System only count Laser Hits to the Ammo Loader Area of the Paintball Gun it is attached to
- Pricing ranges from $648 to $768 depending on when you get it (Check Pricing on NewEGG, RockStar.or Ebay )
The Score Keeping Vest is made specifically for Paintless Paintball
- Score Keeping Vest works with all 50 Caliber and 68 Caliber Reusable Paintless Paintballs
- Score Keeping Vest counts and records all hits by Paintless Paintballs that hit the vest
- Score Keeping Vest is not Laser Tag but real a real contact game
- Score Keeping Vest currently retails for $400
Both the Eagle Eye and the have online Score Keeping System available for posting and displaying players scores.
If you are looking for more realistic Laser Tag Game (not a paintball or paintless paintball game which provids real contact) then the Tippmann Eagle Eye Paintball Laser Tag Sytem could work for you.
Overall, the provides more value as it costs less, is more versital (can be used with both sizes of Reusable Paintballs) and will give customers a more exciting game offering.
If you have any Questions about the Score Keeping System, give us a call at 304-893-6286, Send your question by Email or Use our Live Help.
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