Call of Duty Type Live Action Game

Call of Duty Type Live Action Game

If you love the Games of Airsoft or Paintball and First Person Shooter Video Games like we do...this could be just the campaign you can support.

Look...We could have all sorts of gunshots or other distractive noise or make this campaign seem exciting or impressive but the simple fact is this...

This discovery is really exciting and will change reality combal gaming...period.

We have been working in the Paintball and Airsoft game business for years and I have invented and produced products for these games.

After years of hard work and development... we have discovered exactly how to take a regular Paintball Game or AirSoft Game using standard Paintball or Airsoft gear and give the game the same excitement as a First Person Shooter Video Game like Call of Duty or other title.

This exciting live action role playing game will give true combat feed back...

  • You will know who you hit (and so will they)
  • You will know who made the kill shots in the game.
  • You will get a detailed score card with all vital game info.
  • You will be able to compete live scenario games broadcast on the net

In this new reality based world there will be:

  • Level Up Pods to Recharge or Upgrade your Paintball or Airsoft Weapons
  • Level Up Pods to Add Life credits after mission completion
  • Mine Fields that could take life credits from you or opponent
  • Medic Centers to Heal and add life credits

You and your opponents will feel the pain of a every hit plus get the real satisfaction of completing a worthwhile missions.

In this brave new world...every player will truly experience the “Thrill of Victory or The Agony of Defeat”

The action will be as real as it can get...paintballs or BB's coming at you and your team from all directions while you and your team attempt to compelte missions that are as true to life as possible.

This will add the pulse pounding reality that every Paintball or Airsoft player reallywants...Real Time Call of Duty Type Reality Action for Paintball and Airsoft.

We really need help finishing the patent work and funding the integration of our concept into working Airsoft and Paintball Equipment.

We have working prototypes and are now ready for next phase.

This website can show you just how far we have come in making true life action gaming a true reality for Paintball and Airsoft.

If you love Paintball and Airsoft and want the Thrill of 1st Person Shooter Video Game like we do, give us a hand.

You can help us in one of two ways:

  • Give us a donation and receive the gift (we will very much appreciate help)

  • Donate because this project just makes sense and want to help bring Paintball and Airsoft to the next logical phase.

Everyone who gives up a hand will get the real satisfaction of knowing they are helping take Paintball and Airsoft to the next Exciting Phase...Real Time Reality Combat.

Call me with any questions or suggestions 304-893-6286

Rewards for Helping Us Turn Paintball and Airsoft Into a Call of Duty Type Game (1st Person Shooter)

Donate $25 and Pick a T Shirt form Collection Below