Bazooka Ball Score Keeping Vests
Bazooka Ball Score Keeping Vests
Blaster Shot Score Keeping Vest for Bazooka Ball Score Keeping is Now available for purchase. Sept 1, 2022!
Blaster Shot's Vest is made to work with Media Vision's Bazooka Balls.
The Score Keeping Vest for Bazooka Ball is
manufactured to count EVERY hit from Media Vision's Bazooka Ball
works with Gel Ball, Nerf and Reball...This is a Universal Score Keeping Vest
Is Light and Very Accuate!
Not Bulky...Fits like Bullet Proof Vest
- Way less expensive than Media Visions Bazooka Ball Score Keeping Vest
Edge to Edge Score Keeping Sensor (no Small Hole to Try to Hit!)
Call Sure Shots Now...304-893-6286...Get a Score Keeping Vest for your Bazooka Ball Business that you can actually afford!
See Score Keeping Vest for Bazooka Ball Demo...Watch Bazooka Ball hit vest and show Real Time Scoreing on Score Keeping Monitor